Case Study

Case Study: Designing An Inclusive & Accessible Platform for Musicians

Introduction I redesigned the website for Globale Musik Köln e.V. to improve usability and accessibility. Here’s how I tackled its challenges, refined the user experience, and what I learned! You can visit the website from here. My Design Mission The original site had issues that made it hard for users to understand the organisation’s purpose, see which musicians they support, find …

A laptop screen showing a website with the text

Case Study: Designed and Built a Website for an Empowering Women Community

Creating a website for a women’s empowerment community was an exciting opportunity to apply thoughtful design and development practices. I created a visually appealing yet practical platform that aligns with the brand’s values of kindness and inclusivity. While the project didn’t go live, the process was a valuable learning experience that I am proud to share 🙌 You can see the whole homepage …

On the left, there is a word that says Before and a mobile screen of the old version of the Seedlang registration process. On the right, there is a word that says After and a mobile screen of Yoshie's redesign of the Seedlang registration process.

Case Study: Redesigning Seedlang App for Accessibility and User-Friendliness

As a UI/UX designer passionate about creating inclusive and intuitive experiences, I collaborated with Seedlang, a German learning app, to improve their registration process and home screen. This project was an opportunity to merge accessibility best practices with user-centred enhancements, which resulted in a design that supports all learners (including myself as a power user of Seedlang 😚) in …